by Sue
It has recently been confirmed that Pope Francis will be in Sicily on 15th September, for the 25th anniversary of Padre Puglisi’s martyrdom. He will celebrate the Eucharist at a location in Palermo to be confirmed, and then have lunch with poor and homeless people at the ‘Hope and Charity Mission’ run by the lay missionary Biagio Conte. In the afternoon Pope Francis will visit Brancaccio, particularly Padre Pino’s church San Gaetano and the place he was assassinated, outside his home in Piazzale Anita Garibaldi. Then the Pope will visit Palermo Cathedral and the tomb of Padre Puglisi. I will be in Palermo on the 14th, 15th and 16th September and plan to attend all events open to the public, i.e. the morning Mass with Pope Francis, and hopefully a performance of a musical, Sui passi di 3P (in the footsteps of 3P). If anyone wants to meet up, do let me know! I can translate if needed, and take you on a tour of Brancaccio (this would have to be on the 16th I guess). I look forward to meeting you!!